Evolution driven by people.
Passion, innovation, solutions.
We are an international group, subsidiary of NOF CORPORATION, a leading chemical company. We design, develop and manufacture patented coating solutions for metallic parts. Through licensing and trademark agreements, we commercialize those solutions and their application processes.
Employees worldwide

Look after, look further.
We develop new coating solutions that go beyond expectations, both from an environmental and market perspective. Whether it be a complex or a simple system, we push metal components further by creating clever interactions between mechanical parts throught low-thickness coatings.

Think globally, act locally.
NOF METAL COATINGS GROUP’s energy comes from its multiregional, multicultural and multilanguage background. Our strong and efficient collaboration pushes us to design customized solutions with a global thinking, for the benefit of our users.
Spoken languages

Confidence born in proximity.
We built our Group on trust and mutual understanding. By working closely with our customers and partners, we established a strong experience and know-how. Whenever possible, we prioritize local purchasing and collaboration. This constant proximity and close relationships plays a major role in the development of both our employees, students and interns, but also the companies, licensees and associations we are working with.
Working with nature, for nature.
Our technologies are designed to increase functionalities at low thickness and to extend the metal’s life in order to limit its turnover. We commit ourselves to limiting natural resources consumption. We share this awareness throughout our industrial ecosystem and we work all together very closely and strongly to reduce the environmental impact of our coatings.
Tons of steel protected from corrosion every year